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   4  and returns 
   3  to dummys 
   3  to Wests 
   2 North opens 1
   2 . Norths 2
   2 .                          PLAY:West opens 
   2 "South opens 1
   2  and returns a 
   2  and gives up a 
   1 xxx. South Still after   an extra trick now leads a 
   1 xxx. So Declarer crosses back to his hand by leading a   low trump to 
   1 who leads a 
   1 which South draws with 
   1 trick in hand to lead 
   1 towards dummys K. West plays low"        
   1 to begin with,he could establishdummys 
   1 thjhqh3hjd3d2dkd2stsqs4sqc3ckc2c5s9sjs8sas2h6sksqd4d7d4c6d5d8d8cad9c6htd9dtc7h6c5cjcac7c7s8h4h5h3s9hkhah6s5s2skhjh4hkc5cadkd9d8d7dasqsjs7s3s7h6h3hacqcqd6d3ds2l 13242444222444     1dno1sno1nno3sno4snonono                 
   1 then drawing 2 rounds of trumps.This exhausts the 3 enemy trumpsSouth then takes a finesse by   leading a low 
   1 suit. North then makes a free   raise of 3
   1 still makes 10 tricks all told.
   1 sshowing that he openened on a   minimum hand. North passes.     PLAY:West opens 
   1 sSouth discards 2 low 
   1 s:West overcalled in  
   1 s.Thus Norths point count is 14 and    enough to jump straight to game.Note that if North had more than15 points he would be too strongto jump to game and in danger ofmissing a slam,in which case he would make a waiting bid in     another suit.                   PLAY:West leads 
   1 s.Note that an attempted 
   1 s.North with a poor hand,but   enough points to respond and a  good biddable suit bids 1
   1 s.He leadslow from hand finessing dummys 
   1 s.Declarer is sure to win 4
   1 s.At trick 1 South plays a low 
   1 s.(with 4-card      support in a major and 13-15    points responder should jump to game).                          PLAY:West opens 
   1 s. Thus 2 more mustbe found. If 
   1 s. This time  East does play it,returning a 
   1 s. South knows they lack the 26odd points for game,so simply   passes.                         PLAY:West opens 
   1 s. South can   see no prospect of game,so makesa rebid of 2
   1 s. So the contract is inno danger.   South wins trick 1 with 
   1 s. So on trick 3 he cashes 
   1 s. So he opens 1
   1 s. So he leads A and K from    hand then leads up to dummys Q  to play the J on the next round.If South crosses to dummy before
   1 s. So West plays a 
   1 s. So   South has taken 2 
   1 s. Since bothopponents follow suit to both   rounds,South knows the suit has broken favourably(viz 3-2). So  declarer now gives up a 
   1 s. Note that in each   case declarer makes the first   ruff with a low card while thereis the least danger of an over- ruff. Later on when players are less likely to follow suit and  an overruff is more likely,     declarer is able to ruff with   high trumps in each hand.       The contract is then easily madeand South scores 120 points     below and 700 points above the  line for rubber.                                                                                                                                        "
   1 s. Norths 1NT rebid shows he only has a minimum     opening (viz <16). South now    jumps to 3
   1 s. North rebids 1NT showing a  balanced minimum hand. South nowjumps to 3
   1 s. North must pass.  PLAY:West opens 
   1 s. North knowing he and   partner have a 
   1 s. If theplan fails South can fall back  on an attempted 
   1 s. If declarer continues to run
   1 s. However,they do not, and at trick 11,South leads a 
   1 s. However,South cannot leadtop trumps since he does not    hold the A. But if he leads a   low trump,opponents will win    their 9.  The answer is to lead out the 
   1 s. He will   need to take 1  or more finessesin 
   1 s. He thus leads 
   1 s. He leads low  and also plays low from dummy.  This is known as ducking play.  East wins 
   1 s. He gets to his hand    with a high 
   1 s. He can then discard a 
   1 s. Defenders easily take the rest. South scores 40 points below.   " 
   1 s. At trick 8,West shifts to 
   1 s. At trick 1 South  plays 
   1 s. As it is South  cashes his 
   1 s. Also South is sure to  win 2
   1 s.  South plays 
   1 s.  So at trick 1  
   1 s.  Regardless of the 
   1 s.  Dummy wins the 
   1 s.  Declarer    wins trick 1 in dummy with 
   1 s.   We have seen many examples of   useful finesses but in this casea finesse must be avoided,since it endangers a contract that canbe made without it. After taking
   1 s.       After cashing 
   1 s.         PLAY:West leads 
   1 s.                         PLAY:West opens 
   1 s,thus making his contract and 1 overtrick,scoring 40 belowand 30 points above the line.                                                                                                                                   " 
   1 s,so instead decides to bid a  suit. As in the previous hand heopens 1
   1 s,so he jumps straight to 4
   1 s,so  he needs to work for 1 extra    trick. He can either develop a  low 
   1 s,since he can win the 1st3 
   1 s,showing a    strong 
   1 s,preferring 
   1 s,making 10 in all. However he must force   the 
   1 s,hopingthat one of them works.   South wins trick 1 with 
   1 s,even if he gives up a trick to the 
   1 s,either 1 or 2 
   1 s,but he will need to get to dummy to cash    them.  He wins trick 1 with 
   1 s,West     discards 
   1 s,South trumps
   1 s,   hoping that enemy may unwisely  discard enough 
   1 s(at least 5). North,   with 4-card support for South   and 7 points,plus 2 extra pointsfor a singleton,raises to 2
   1 s whilst discarding 
   1 s which only leavesEast holding 2
   1 s using the same methodHe leads 
   1 s to take the contract with  2 overtricks,scoring 60 points  below the line and 60 above.                                                                                                                                                                                                    " 
   1 s to set up     dummys 
   1 s to see ifthe suit breaks normally. If the
   1 s to make the contract.    "
   1 s to make 10 tricks in all.                                       "
   1 s to NT since he holds 6 
   1 s succeeds sinceEast does hold 
   1 s since he  is planning to discard a loser 
   1 s showing 
   1 s putting up 
   1 s opens the    higher of touching suits,viz 1
   1 s on these2 tricks to make his contract   with an overtrick.    "
   1 s on the good 
   1 s now and   ruffs a small 
   1 s making 2 overtricks." 
   1 s making 2 overtricks.
   1 s leftThus another finesse is needed. South leads 
   1 s later on. South wins 
   1 s in dummyWest shifts to a 
   1 s in dummy and gets to his hand by   ruffing 
   1 s if the  finesse is unsuccessful and 1 
   1 s honours,else he will onlymake one honour. There is also achance of a 
   1 s he would consider a NT bid)NOrth shows his 2nd suit with a 2
   1 s he will not make them all    since West must have started    with 
   1 s have not broken in    Souths favour. In spite of the  bad break,South should continue with 
   1 s had tobe set up before opponents couldset up and cash their 
   1 s fromdummy since East must have begunwith 
   1 s from there since he  is planning a finesse. So he    then leads a small 
   1 s from    hand. Now he can trump the last 2 
   1 s for a  finesse.  At trick 2 South leads"
   1 s chooses his longer suit  and opens 1
   1 s cashing 
   1 s cannot bid 2NTso has to settle for a 1
   1 s cannot  overruff.  Next South returns tohand via 
   1 s by getting rid of one on a 
   1 s by   taking 
   1 s by    leading low towards dummys 
   1 s but never be able to  reach dummy to cash them.       South now simply takes top 
   1 s but must draw trumps 1st to  stop any enemy ruffs. Trumps aredrawn on tricks 4,5,and 6. Next South leads a 
   1 s break normally, dummys last 
   1 s break badly(viz 4-1)he will  still have time to switch to 
   1 s at the   lowest level (viz 2
   1 s at most.       " 
   1 s arecleared. Now declarer leads 
   1 s are set up but South has provided for this."        
   1 s are continued.   This time East takes 
   1 s andSouth ruffs the 3rd round. Souththen leads out his last 2 
   1 s and the rest is    easy for South.He plays 
   1 s and so must look for ways of getting to his hand. South   wins trick 1 in hand with 
   1 s and since   North has 15 points himself he  knows that between them they    hold game values so bids 3NT.   PLAY:West opens 
   1 s and may win 5.  This hand representsno special problem but South    must still play it properly.    The idea is to develop the 
   1 s and his 
   1 s and dummys top 
   1 s and dummy and South hold 6
   1 s and can then give up a 
   1 s and be  able to discard 
   1 s and at least 4
   1 s and South trumps in on round 3. South now leads asmall trump to begin to draw theopponents top trumps,and the J  and Q drop. South wins the 
   1 s and East wins the 
   1 s and 3 top 
   1 s and 12 points in high cards can add 2 extra   points for doubletons,since the two hands have a fit in 
   1 s and   when West plays low,finesses 
   1 s  is necessary and it would be    foolish to try an unnecessary   finesse and risk the contract.  South delays the 2nd trump      finesse since West might take   the trick to return a 3rd trump and no trumps would remain in   dummy to trump  Souths losing 
   1 s  at the lowest level,viz 2
   1 s   quickly.  South wins the first 
   1 s   and since he has no outside     entry to dummy,he must save his 
   1 s     before drawing trumps. 
   1 s      headed by the 9.   East wins thefirst 2 
   1 qsksas7s4s2h2s3sahkh4hth3h3d5hjh9s6h6s5s8h6d7hqh8s9hts6cad7d2dtdkd9d8d4d5djsjd5cqd3c4c2ctc9cac8c7cjcqckc7h5h4hks5s3sqdjd8d2dqctc6c7sah9h8h6h3h2hac7c4cadkd5dh4l 13443434442243     1hno1nno2hnonono                         
   1 qs6s3sksqc6c2c7ctc2d3ckc8s5s2sasac8c5c2hjc9c6h5h4c3h7sjh4h7hqh6dah9d8hthadtd3dqd4d9s5dkdkh7dts9h4sjdjs8das6s9h8h4hacjc4c3c2c8d5d3dks7s5sahqh6hqctc5cadjd7d4dn4n 14432222444331     1nno3nnonono                             
   1 qh7h5hah4s6sks3s5s2sqs3h8s6hts7s3c8ckc9c2ctc4cjc2h4hthjsac8h5cqc7c9h6d3d6c2d8d5d4dqdtd7dkh9sjh9dasjdkdadksjsts5s7hac7c6c4c3ckd9d4dasqs9s8s4sah4hkc5c2ctd8d6ds4b 14242432222344     1sno4snonono                             
   1 qdkd4d5djc6c3c2c4cac5c8c9d7dtdad4s2sastskc9c2h5sqc3s9s6stc7h3d7s7cjh6d3h4h2dkh9hahth5h8d6hqh8sjdjsqsks8h9s4sahkh8h6h2hjc4cadkd6d3dasqs8s5h4hkcqctc7c5c3c7d5dn2n 12232444442231     1hno2cno2dno2nno3nnonono                 
   1 qd6d2d3d4h2hah3h6hkh7h8hqh7d2cth4s2sjs6s4c3ckcacqc7c5c6cjc8ctc5hjh9c5s4d9h3s8s5d7s9sasts9dkdadtd8djdqsks8h2hasqsjs8s5s9d6d8c7c4c2c7s4skhqhjh9h5h3hkc6cad8d3dh4e 11344211444241     1hno1sno2hnonono                         
   1 qcac8c2c2h4hahjhkh2d5hthjd4d3dadqsas9s2s5d7d9d6dkd5ctd8d3ckc4c6cqh3hqd8hjs5s4s3sts6hks6s7ctc9h9c7s8s7hjc9h8h5h2h7s6s3s2skd9d3dac3cas5sahkh7h6h3h7c4c2cjdtd5dh4n 12443422333424     1hno2hnonono                             
   1 ks3sts2sas7s5s4sjsqs2h8stdqdkd3d2cqckc6c9dad2d5d7c5cac8cqh6h5h3h4h8hjh6sah6d7hkhth9s3c4d9h9c4c8djdjc7dtcqh7h4hqs7s3s7d5d3dacqc4c3c8s4s2sahjhth9h5h7c6cadqdjdh4l 11131342244444     1h1s1nno2hnonono                         
   1 kh8h6h2h4s2s6s9s4h7h3s5hac4c8c5c3d9dad2d9hthjs6c2c7c5s9cqhahksjc3cqctskcas3h7d7sqsjhtc8s4d5dtdjdkd6d8dqdksjs3s2s8hactc3c2cqdtd7d3dasqsts9s5sqh9h4h2h8cad6d4ds4n 11422424244433     1s2h3sno4snonono                         
   1 kh8h6h2h4s2s6s9s4h7h3s5h2cjcac5c9hthjs6c3d9dad4dqhahas2d3c7c8c9c8dqdkd6djdts5d7dks3h4c7sqsjhtc8s5skctdqcasjs3s2s8htc4c3c2cqdtd7d3dksqsts9s5sqh9h4h2hac8cad6ds4n 11424242134444     1s2h2sno3sno4snonono                     
   1 kh5h2hahas3s4sjsks2s5s3hqs7s8s4h3c7cqckc8h7hqhjh5dqdad2d4d7d9dkd2c6ctc9cac6h5c8c4c9h9sjc3d8d6sjdtsth6dtd9s8s5s4sjh5hqc5c2ckdqd6d3dasksqsts6sah7hactc4c3c7d2ds4e 14444313244244     1sno2sno4snonono                         
   1 kh2h9hahksas4s3sqh7h4h8hjhth8stsqs5s7s2djs9s3c3dkd9d8d4d7d5dtdadjcqckcacqd6d2c3hjd5c6c5h4c9c2s8c6s6h7ctc7s4sth7h2hac7c4c3cqdjdtd8dksqsjsts6s2sah8hqc6c2ckd7ds4l 14114444322244     1s2hnono2snonono 
   1 kc2c9c3c4c5cac7c8cjcqc6c4h2h9hahas3s4s7sks9s5stsqsjs8s5had6d4d3d2dkd5d8dqh7h3h6h8hjhkh2s7djdqd9dtdth6stc8s5s4sjh7h2h6c5c2cqdtd5d4dasksqs6s2sah6hjc7c3cad7d2ds4l 11314444411424     1snonono                                 
   1 jsks7s3s3c7cqc6c4d2dad9d4c9cjc3dac7d8ctc2c2h5hkcqsas4s5s5c8s5d4hkdtd6djd3h9hahth7hjh6h9skh8dqd8h2s6stsqhks5sahqh8h7h5h8c4c3cad6d5das6s3s6h3hacqcjc5c2ckd8d4dn2l 12424434442331     1hno3nnonono                             
   1 js5s7sasqd3d5d2djd8d6d7d4dkdadqs5c7cac2ctd9c5h4h9d2h6c3c3h9hqhkh2s3s4sks8ctckcjc6h8sahth7hjh6s9sqc4cts8hks5sahqh8h7h5h8c6c5cad6d5das6s3s6h3hackc4cqdjdtd9d4dn2l 14442444324233     1hno3nnonono                             
   1 jhkhah7hqh8h2h5htdadjd4d4s8sas5sjs9s6s4h2stsqs9h2c3cqc8cac3h4c6c3s6hksth7c9ctc2dkc7d3djc5c9d8d5d6dqd7skdasjs3s2skh5hackcqctc5c6d4dksqs7s6s4s8h7h7c4c2cad8d3ds2e 13342242242224     1cno1sno3sno4snonono                     
   1 jh3h2hkh3djd2dqd7h5h4hqh5d8d4dkdth2s6hah7d3sadtd9d5s9s5c6d8sqs8h4c8cactckcqc7c3casts4sjs2c9h6s9cjc6cks7s7s6s4s2sqh3h7c4cad9d6d5d2dasqs9sahkh5hackc6c2c7d4d3dn4l 14321422244433     1cno1dno3nnonono                         
   1 jc3c7cacas4s2stsks7s5s2c4h3hqh5hah9h8h7h2hth3skh4c9c5c8cjh6hqc8s3d2djdad4d7d6dkd6s5djs9d8dqd9stdqskc6ctcqs9s6s5s2sahqh6h2h5c3ckdjdasksjs8s3s8h4hac6c4c8d7d3ds4l 14442241432422     1sno4snonono                             
   1 his contract and 1 overtrick.
   1 game and rubber.
   1 finesse and it failed,opponents would be in to cash their 
   1 d$="Dealer ":
   1 bid. South sees a chance for    game and so bids 3
   1 below the line.
   1 and since West holds 
   1 and South bids his 2nd suit.    North shows preference with a 2
   1 and 30 above for the overtrick.
   1 a$(N)+a$(n+1
   1 X,Y4;C$;D$
   1 X,Y3;C$;D$
   1 X,Y2;C$;D$
   1 X,Y1;C$;D$
   1 West plays low and 
   1 V$=" Vulnerable"
   1 This time East wins his 
   1 South scores 40 points below.
   1 South makes 11 tricks in all.   " 
   1 Q. East returns a 
   1 Q.  If West holds 
   1 Q,alas,West has 
   1 Q towards dummys 
   1 Q to dummys 
   1 Q the finesse succeeds anddeclarer takes the rest to make game and rubber.                " 
   1 K.No finesse in 
   1 K.Dummy leads a 
   1 K$="West "
   1 K$="South"
   1 K$="North"
   1 K$="East "
   1 J.Although West plays  "
   1 J is proved.South continues 
   1 J are led from dummy andSouth can discard his losing 
   1 He can afford to lose these 3   tricks,but no more.             Wests opening lead is probably  the top of a short holding of   some kind. West may have bare 
   1 Group 1(b)
   1 East plays low so the finesse   works. To repeat the finesse    South must get back to his hand so he uses 
   1 D$="Pass":
   1 Bridge2T9 q
   1 Bridge2T8 Z
   1 Bridge2T7 "
   1 Bridge2T6 "
   1 Bridge2T5 Q
   1 Bridge2T4 n
   1 Bridge2T30
   1 Bridge2T3 "
   1 Bridge2T29N
   1 Bridge2T28
   1 Bridge2T27
   1 Bridge2T26,
   1 Bridge2T25
   1 Bridge2T24
   1 Bridge2T23
   1 Bridge2T22m
   1 Bridge2T21F
   1 Bridge2T20"
   1 Bridge2T2 p
   1 Bridge2T1b
   1 Bridge2T1a
   1 Bridge2T19"
   1 Bridge2T18"
   1 Bridge2T17a
   1 Bridge2T16n
   1 Bridge2T15"
   1 Bridge2T14
   1 Bridge2T13`
   1 Bridge2T12"
   1 Bridge2T11
   1 Bridge2T10"
   1 A. Now the enemy 
   1 A. If East   also has 
   1 A.  It  is now safe to lead out 
   1 A,then cashes his established 
   1 A,ie the finesse does notwork. West continues high 
   1 A$(N)+A$(N+1
   1 A to get it out of the  way. He then leads a 
   1 A and then be able to ruff. However,  at trick 2,West finds the best  "        
   1 A and notes that    East discards a 
   1 A and leads out 
   1 A (to keep defence guessing who holds 
   1 A   and claim the rest of the tricksSouth scores 120 points (game)  below the line.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 " 
   1 ? East must be short in 
   1 ;"West North East South"
   1 ;"Tricks taken:N/S :";NS;"  E/W:";EW
   1 ;"Press p to play Hand 1":
   1 ;"Press any key to continue"
   1 ;"Last trick won by:";K
   1 ;"Hand complete":
   1 ;"Enter deal number":
   1 ;"Enter card"
   1 ;"Enter bid"
   1 ;"Deal ";deal;"   Contract:";:
   1 ;"Bridge2T"+
   1 ;"Bidding complete":
   1 ;"         "
   1 ;"          "
   1 ; he can also expect  to win 4 
   1 9hthqh4hah8h6h3h2hjs5cjh2s8sts3sqs7s4s5s6s5hks9sad2d3d4dkd6d7d9d5dtdqd3ckh7h2c7c4c6ckc8castc9cjcqcjd8dacqsts6skhjhth3h9c4cqd8d7d3dasksjs4s2s8h4hkcqc2cadkd5ds4e 13342244422443     1sno1nno4snonono                         
   1 9a doubleton,or perhaps 3
   1 9. But South   can lose nothing by playing the K just in case West led from AQ.East plays the A,and continues a
   1 9,and South wins the Q. If South  now cashes all his high cards,hewould only make 6 tricks(2
   1 9,South finesses 
   1 9 looks suspiciously like  top of nothing ie when leading  up to dummy a high card led can indicate the defender holds     nothing of value in the suit.   Holding a Jack or better he     would lead low,hoping for a     return.  South leads 
   1 9 from dummy and wins in hand with"
   1 9 and South plays 
   1 9 and South    sees that he may lose 2
   1 8 in dummy.If he takes 
   1 8 and runs 
   1 6sqs3s4s2d9dqd5d2c3cjc6c3d7djd4cqc5cactc6d8dtd8cad9c2hkd4d2s3h9hkc7s7c9sasts5sjsah4h7h5h6hkh8hthksjhqh8sqs5sjh8h7h3h2hacjc7c6d3d2das8s4sah6hkcqc2cadqdjdtd4dn4l 12424244444411     2nno3nnonono                             
   1 6s5sks2sas4s3s9s8s2h7sjs3hjh4hqh5cac2c4c5hah7hkh8ctcjckcad4d5d6dqd9d8d2d3d3cjd7dthtd6h7cqc6c8hts9hqskd9cth7h4hjs9s5skdjd8d5dqctc4c4s2s9h8h6h5h3h2hackcadqd3dh4l 13343414442244     1hno1nno2hnonono                         
   1 6s5s9sts2d9djd6d9c2ctc6c3d5dqd3sad4c4dtdjc5cqc3c7dkd2h8h7h3hkh6h4sqsas7s4h5h9hqh8d2sjh7cac8skc8cksjsahth7s5sahjh5h3h2hkcjc9cadqdjdksqstsqh6hacqctc8d7d4d3d2dn2n 14242241314444     1hno3nnonono                             
   1 6h4hqhahjd2d4d5d6d3dqdadjcqckcackd8d2c9d2s5sksas7c4c9c6ctc7s5c8cqs3s4s3cjs6s9s2h3h8h7hthtd8s9h7d5hjhtskhts9s4s2s7h4hac8c4ckdqd7d4dksqsjs8s7sah5h3hqc6c2cjd6ds4l 14432213444342     1sno2snonono                             
   1 6h3hthkhas3s2s5sad3d4d2d2c3cac4ckd5d5h6d4stdqsks2h8hqh9hahjs7djhts8s7s4h5c6cjckc7h6s8d9d9s7c9cjd8ctcqcqd7s4s2sjh8h3hacqcjc9ckd9d4dasqsjsts9s6skh9h5h8c5c2cads4n 14442213443442     1sno2nno4snonono                         
   1 6. South will  win 1
   1 6. South sees  that the bulk of his tricks willhave to come from 
   1 6. South may   lose 1
   1 6 and South    counts his losers:1
   1 5s7sjsqs2c9ckc8cactc3cqc4cjc5c4d9s3s2sas7c6h6c2h3hjhah8h4hthkh9h2d8dqdadks7h4s6sts3dtd5h8s5dqh7d9d6dkdjdas7skh7h3hackc7c4c6d5d3d2dqs6s3sah5h4h6c5c3c2cqdjd7dn2b 14223224211113     1dno1nnonono                             
   1 5s2sasjs9sqs3s6s2h5hqhkh4sks7s3c8hah4h3hts7c6h4c8s8c9c6c5cjckcacjh7hth2c9h4d3d2dad8d6d9dqdtc7dtd5dqckdjd6s2sqhth4hjc8c7c3ckd7d6d3dksqsjsjh9h8h2hac6c4cadqd5dn4l 13434111444442     1nnonono                                 
   1 5? The high-low is a   defensive signal asking partner to continue 
   1 5. Why did East play
   1 5,and since thecontract is in NT South counts  his winners:2
   1 5 which East   takes with the 
   1 4s6sksas2c3cac4c2h7hth3h5c7cjc9c5hjhqh8hah2s6hkh2d6dtdkd3s4h7s8s6ctckc5sad4d3djdqd8d7d9s5d9d9hqs8cqctsjs6h5h2hts8s6sadqdtd5dackcjcasahqhth9h4h8c6c5c2c7d3d2dh2l 14242443422241     1dno1hno1nno3hno4hnonono                 
   1 4h6hah3h9ckc6c3cas3s2s4s5sjsksqsjd2d3dqd8hkh2hjh7dad8d5d5ctcjc4cac7c8cqc6d9d4dkdts2c9s5h8s9h6s7h7sqhtdthks9s6s2skh6h7c4c3cjdtd9d7dasts8s7s5sjh3hkcqctckd8d3ds4n 13442123114444     1sno2snonono                             
   1 4. South cannotbe sure of his loser count in   any suit. Everything will dependon how suits break and whether  finesses work. Declarer wisely  plays a low 
   1 4 and    South tries a double finesse by playing 
   1 3sks4s5s2d4dkdad2sas9s6sac6c2ctckc8c4c4h2h5hah6h3h8hjh9hkhth7hqhqc9c5c8d3d9dqdtd7c7s3cjcjd5dts6djs8sqs7daskskhjh2hackcqc3c7d6d3d2d8s6s5sah7h3h7c5c4c2ckdqd5dn2n 12122242224331     1dno1nno3nnonono                         
   1 3ctcackc4sjsqs2s8dkd9d4d5h4hah2hkh6h9h8h3hth6sjhqc7c4c2cjc8c7h5c7s3sts5sas6c5dks9s9c6d3d8sqhjdtd7d2dadqd7s6s2s9h5hqcjctcadkdjd6d5dasjsts9s8sahkh7h3hkc4c7d4ds4n 13124422244442     1sno2dno2hno2sno3sno4snonono             
   1 3. South can   count the following winners:2 in
   1 3 so Declarer will notbe able to run the other 
   1 3 and South    takes stock:he will lose 1
   1 2 and declarer triesto finesse 
   1 .When West plays low the Q is played from dummy and East   wins the 
   1 .West overcalls 2
   1 .West leads another 
   1 .South wins trick 1 in dummy with
   1 .South gets to his handwith a 
   1 .South expectsto lose 1
   1 .So South takes top 
   1 .It is alright to open aragged minor suit,but never a   major. South responds 1NT,as theprevious hand,but this time     North jumps to 3NT,which seems  the only chance for game.       PLAY:West opens 
   1 .He thenwisely cashes 
   1 .He leads a 
   1 .East discardsa 
   1 . Why has he lead up to  dummys best suit? His 
   1 . When partnerresponds 1
   1 . When Wests  plays the K this establishes theQ in dummy.                     South takes 8 tricks in all     scoring 30 points below the lineand 30 above for the overtrick.                                                                 " 
   1 . When West ducks so does     dummy. East follows low so the  finesse succeeds again.  A      low 
   1 . When   the finesse works the rest of   the hand is routine.   South    cashes dummys 
   1 . West plays low,and South,knowing West has 
   1 . West now shiftsto a 
   1 . West  makes a 2
   1 . To develop a long suityou must lead high cards from   the short suit first eg dummy   has only 2
   1 . Thus  the general rule when leading   out a long suit is to cash the  high cards in the shorter suit  first.  South wins trick 12 with
   1 . Thisis good enough since it makes   dummys 
   1 . This time dummy ruffshigh and East,out of 
   1 . This must be done before     South can lead his own 3rd 
   1 . The contractwill depend on one of 3 finessesbeing succesful. Otherwise he   will lose 6 tricks. At trick 1  dummy plays low and East followswith 
   1 . The bulkof the tricks must come from 
   1 . Souths last 
   1 . South with an     opening hand himself knows that game should be on in something  and the only chance looks to be NT,so bids 3NT,showing   13-15  points and a balanced hand.     PLAY:West opens 
   1 . South wins  trick 1 with 
   1 . South trumps the next 
   1 . South tries to     finesses 
   1 . South still needs to develop another trick so he  tackles 
   1 . South sees  that at worst he could lose 3
   1 . South sees  he must lose 2
   1 . South plays  
   1 . South now proceeds to  draw trumps.  The idea is to    take away the opponents trumps  to stop them trumping declarers high cards in other suits.      Unlike the previous hand,South  "        
   1 . South now benefits from his earlier play. He leads his last 
   1 . South must take 
   1 . South intends to    draw trumps first and then set  up 
   1 . South can   win 2
   1 . South can   expect to lose 1
   1 . South can   count 7 top tricks and so needs to create 2 more. His best hope will be his long 
   1 . South  now runs the rest of dummys 
   1 . South  easily takes the rest of the    tricks to make 10 tricks in all.                                "
   1 . So delcarer needs to make 4
   1 . On trick 9 a trumps is led from dummy and 
   1 . Now,when the opponents   try to run their 
   1 . Now heleads a low 
   1 . Now he plays a low 
   1 . Now declarer leads a low 
   1 . Now declarer can make all 5
   1 . Now by counting trumps South knows  that only enemy trump left is 
   1 . Now Declarer knows that    East holds the other 2 
   1 . North thus  bids 4
   1 . North makesa 1NT response showing 6-9      points and thus also denying 4  card support in 
   1 . It is good policy in a NT  contract for defenders to hammeraway at the same suit.  Dummy   takes 
   1 . If West   holds 
   1 . How does he know? Well,after leading out A,Kand Q,11 trumps dropped and the other 2 are in his hand.        Souths next plan is to establisha 
   1 . Hewins the last 2 tricks to make  his contract and the rubber.    " 
   1 . Heleads a 
   1 . He then leads       another low 
   1 . He then leads  
   1 . He then cashes his2 good 
   1 . He needs this entry to lead 
   1 . Fortunately the 2nd attemps in 
   1 . East playslow,South plays 
   1 . East plays low,thus the     finesse works. Next a 
   1 . East leads another 
   1 . East     decides to lead a 
   1 . Dummy takes 
   1 . Dummy and   East play low and so does South.South wants to ruff 
   1 . Dummy      ruffs,cashes 
   1 . Declarer then ensures the       contract by cashing the top 
   1 . Declarer nextcashes dummys top 
   1 . Declarer can now cash 
   1 . All these addup to only 8,so to make his     contract he must seek an extra  trick from somewhere.  He must  try finesses in 
   1 . After winning the 
   1 . After that,South will ruff with a high trump,again to avoid an  overruff. Next he draws the     remaining trumps and takes the  last trick with his last small  trump. He scores 120 points     below and 700 points above the  line for the rubber.                                                                            " 
   1 .  West leads a 
   1 .  South averts disaster by ruffing with a high trump.   This shuts out any possible over-ruff by West. If South had     ruffed low,West would be happy  to overruff.   South next draws 3 rounds of trumps and cashes   the top 
   1 .  PLAY:West opens 
   1 .  On the 2nd round of 
   1 .   West leads 
   1 .   South then invites North to bid game by bidding 3
   1 .   South can now try the same sort of double finesse in 
   1 .   Now hesets up 
   1 .   North now has to choose the     level of his 
   1 .     South shows he only begun with  a minimum opener,by rebidding   his 5-card suit at the lowest   level,ie 2
   1 .     South makes his contract with anovertrick,scoring 60 points     below the line and 30 above.                                                                                                                                    " 
   1 .     PLAY:West leads 
   1 .      PLAY:West opens 
   1 .      At trick 5,declarer cashes      dummys 
   1 .               "
   1 .                  PLAY:West leads 
   1 .                        PLAY:West opens 
   1 ,wonin dummy with 
   1 ,won in dummy with
   1 ,who proceeds to take 2    
   1 ,which West wins with  the 
   1 ,trumps a 
   1 ,this time Westplays 
   1 ,then a  trump  to dummys 
   1 ,the suit his partnerfirst led,to try so set up 
   1 ,the opponents will lead  
   1 ,the higher of touching suits.South responds 1NT showing 6-9  points.                         PLAY:West opens 
   1 ,the finesse will work. West plays a low 
   1 ,so he must set up one    trick,at least to make the 7th. To set up tricks you normally   have to force out high cards    held by opponents to establish  your lesser cards later on.     In this case,your best chance isto go for extra 
   1 ,so he can cash his 
   1 ,so either way the opening    lead has given South a trick. Asit happens East plays 
   1 ,so South plays 
   1 ,ruffshis last 
   1 ,returning a 
   1 ,removing 1 trump from    dummy. He then takes a 
   1 ,making 4.To make his    "        
   1 ,luckily bothopponents follow,so enemy 
   1 ,it shows that East has the 
   1 ,inviting Southto bid game. South with a betterthan minimum hand bids 4
   1 ,if he can trump 3 
   1 ,however, West plays it and dummy puts up 
   1 ,hoping to establish some tricks for partner. Declarer    plays low and East wins 
   1 ,hoping to  force out 
   1 ,hoping for a favourable leadSouth trumps the 
   1 ,his   only safe entry. Another 
   1 ,give up one 
   1 ,declarer can   "
   1 ,capturing the    last enemy 
   1 ,by knocking out 
   1 ,but East wins
   1 ,and so will have to rely on finesses workingto make the contract.  He wins  the opening 
   1 ,and returns a 
   1 ,and leads top
   1 ,and North responds 1NT,showing  6-9 points with no suit worth   bidding. South with a rebiddable
   1 ,and     returns a 
   1 ,West plays low so 
   1 ,South hopes to be able to    successfully finesse 
   1 ,South can take 
   1 ,South can make both his 
   1 ,(good players rarely open    from an ace at a suit contract).However East plays 
   1 ,  the higher(and longer)of his 2  biddable suits.North responds 2
   1 ,  the higher (and longer)of the   touching suits. Souths 2
   1 ,   then plays 
   1 ,    which South wins with the K. He continues his plan by leading   another 
   1 ).South nowenters dummy via 
   1 ),since he  has less than 16 points.        PLAY:The opponents take the 1st 2 tricks in 
   1 "win tricks with both 
   1 "small trump. East must follow   suit,so cannot overruff. South  returns to hand via 
   1 "must lead out his high cards to draw trumps,so he leads out the A then the K of trumps. When theopponents follow on both rounds South knows there is only 1 
   1 "later on. South next leads 
   1 "in his own hand. South manages  to ruff all of his losing 
   1 "his own hand. West discards a 
   1 "finesse since South finesses    against 2 missing cards.On this occasion it succeeds.   South   now tries finessing 
   1 "defence by returning a trump.   East takes 
   1 "contract    he must try to avoid1 of these losers. His best     chance will be to take a finessein one of the red suits.   Southbegins by taking trick 1 with 
   1 "continues 
   1 "and so does dummy ie he lets theJ ride for a finesse. If East   had the Q the finesse would failbut as it is West has it and    East plays 
   1 "all Souths trumps are winners.  South easily makes the rest of  the tricks to make his contract and an overtrick.                                               This play shows the simplest    form of establishing a suit.    When your long suit is not      headed by high cards,lead a low card at every opportunity to    force out the opponents high    cards setting up the rest of thesuit.                           South scores 60 points below theline and 30 above.                                                                                                                                                                              " 
   1 "a singleton,hoping for a ruff in
   1 "West continues with 
   1 "Thus at trick 3,South leads a   low 
   1 "South with 15 points opens 1
   1 "South wins trick 1 with 
   1 "South plays 
   1 "South hopes to run dummys long  
   1 "Program  by M.Blythe 
   1 "Press r to replay hand":
   1 "Press l to load next hand"
   1 "Press l to load another hand"
   1 "Press e to re-read explanation":
   1 "North-South";v$
   1 "North opens 1
   1 "Neither side";v$
   1 "He cashes 
   1 "East-West";v$
   1 "East who returns a 
   1 "East returns 
   1 "Bridge2T1b"
   1 "Bridge2T"+M$
   1 "Both sides";v$
   1 "BIDDING:The bidding is identicalto the last hand:North opens 1
   1 "BIDDING:Souths opening bid of   2NT shows 20-22 points,and a    balanced hand,with all suits    stopped. North with 7 points    knows that they easily have     enough points for game so raisesto 3NT.                         PLAY:West opens 
   1 "BIDDING:Souths 1NT opening shows16-18 points and a balanced handNorth,with 9 points knows that  the 2 hands combined must have  at least 25 points,enough for   game in NT. Thus he bids 3NT.   PLAY:West leads 
   1 "BIDDING:South,with 15 points anda 6-card 
   1 "BIDDING:South,with 13 points    opens his only biddable suit,1
   1 "BIDDING:South with biddable 
   1 "BIDDING:South with 20 points butwith unguarded 
   1 "BIDDING:South with 15 points anda 5-4 in 
   1 "BIDDING:South with 15 point in  high cards opens 1
   1 "BIDDING:South with 13 points    opens his only biddable suit viz
   1 "BIDDING:South with 12 points in high cards and a 5-card 
   1 "BIDDING:South with 12 points anda 5-card suit has just enough toopen 1
   1 "BIDDING:South with 12 HCP (high card points) and a 5-card suit  has just enough for a 1
   1 "BIDDING:South opens 1NT. This   shows a balanced hand(viz it    denies a holding of a singleton,2 doubletons,or a 5-card major).There is no further bidding.    PLAY:West opens 
   1 "BIDDING:South opens 1
   1 "BIDDING:South has just enough toopen,12 HCP and a 5-card suit.  After Wests overcall North makesa free raise of 1NT,which shows more than a simple 1NT response.Normally about 8-10 points and apossible stopper in overcallers suit. South simply rebids his 
   1 "BIDDING:South has a minimum 1
   1 "BIDDING:South has 18 points and a reasonably balanced hand,but  since he holds a 5-card major,  viz a 5-card 
   1 "BIDDING:South had enough HCP andthe right distribution to open  2NT. However a 2NT opening does also imply a stopper in each    suit and South holds 3 useless  
   1 "BIDDING:North with enough pointsfor a 2NT opening has no stop in
   1 "BIDDING:North with 2 biddable   suits and 15 HCP opens     1
   1 "BIDDING:North with 16 points and5
   1 "BIDDING:North with 14 points and4-cards suits in 
   1 "BIDDING:North opens 1
   1 "At trick 4 another low 
   1 "*********************":
   1  would  not be wrong,but just in case   South bid on a bare minimum,    North jumps to 3
   1  with dummys remaining trump.    South wins the last 2 tricks    with trumps.                    South scores 120 points below   and 100 points above for honours                                                                "
   1  with a high trump to ensure  he is not overruffed. He then   draws the last trump and sets upanother 
   1  with 17  points and 5
   1  with 14  points.Souths response of 1
   1  with 14  points. South responds 1
   1  with 14  points and a powerful 6-card 
   1  with 13 points   and a 5-card suit. Norths 2
   1  with 13 points   and 5
   1  with 13 HCP and  a 5-card 
   1  wins. South repeats the finesse by leading  
   1  wins.   The 
   1  wins so he tries   another 
   1  winners. South   can now afford to take the 
   1  will make a 3rd but he will     still need an extra trick. Thereis always the 
   1  will be good. If  East has 
   1  which takes 
   1  which shows 6-15 points and at least 4
   1  which is mostlikely a top of a sequence lead ie from 
   1  which holds. By counting trumps,South knows that only 
   1  which dummy    takes with 
   1  which captures Souths 
   1  which Southtrumps. South then plays anotherlow trump forcing out Easts lasthigh trump who returns a 
   1  which South trumps. South now wishes to draw trumps and this  time uses a combination of the  methods used in Hands 1 and 2.  He begins by leading the A,then plays a low trump which falls to"        
   1  which East trumps  but South overtrumps. South thendraws the rest of the trumps by leading out 
   1  tricks.If you can get 
   1  tricks. South discards low 
   1  tricks,give up the 4th and  thus establish his last 
   1  tricks,but will be able to discard 
   1  tricks and wins trick 4 with 
   1  tricks and leads      "        
   1  trick. He leads the A and   then plays a low 
   1  trick.   Thus South must find a way to   eliminate 1 loser. Souths best  chance is to develop 
   1  trick,East returnsa 
   1  trick forcing out the missing 
   1  trick and claimthe rest with his last 2 trumps.South makes his contract with anovertrick,scoring 120 below and 30 above and 500 for the rubber.                                " 
   1  trick  but South ruffs the next 
   1  towards dummys 
   1  towards dummy.  West plays low so dummy plays 
   1  to win.     "
   1  to the J and    East plays 
   1  to start on trumps. The 
   1  to show his extra   strength and 5-card suit and    North with 3-card support raisesto game in 4
   1  to returnto dummy. 
   1  to repeat the 
   1  to make the contract.                                                                                                    "
   1  to lead up  to hand for a 
   1  to lead  another 
   1  to force out the A,  and deny the opponents the      chance to win the 9.   West dulyplays 
   1  to dummys"        
   1  to dummys last trump.       South is now safe. He can let   the opponents take 1 
   1  to dummys
   1  to dummy,cashes 
   1  to draw a round of trumps.   He cannot continue 
   1  to create an extra entry to  dummy.   East returns 
   1  to continue the  finesse. When West discards a 
   1  to clear dummys trumps. South wins this trick and completes   the drawing of trumps. South nowleads a 
   1  to Souths 
   1  to Easts 
   1  to  dummy. A low 
   1  to  be able to finesse into his handagain. This time he finesses 
   1  to  Easts 
   1  to    force out Easts 
   1  to      secure the contract. A 
   1  then leads back a low 
   1  then gives up a 
   1  then                                  "        
   1  the theory that    East began with singleton 
   1  the     finesse has worked and South hasavoided a 
   1  support. South with only a minimum opening cannot see anyprospect for game and simply    passes.                         PLAY:West opens 
   1  support and a better   than minimum point count (since West has overcalled North need  not bid with bare minimum valuessimply to keep the bidding open)South knowing that the pair holdthe majority of points and a    good 
   1  support and 6-9 points. South can now   revalue his hand,having found a fit: he has 17 HCP + 2 points   for doubletons and 1 point for  his 5th trump,making 20 points, added to Norths minimum 6 makes easily enough for game,so he    bids 4
   1  suit. South with a   balanced hand,no support for    partners suit but 13 HCP knows  the partnership have enough for game (at least 25 points are    required) jumps straight to gamein 3NT.                         PLAY:West leads 
   1  suit(any 6-card suit can be   rebid)simply rebids 
   1  suit opens 1
   1  suit he should   bid 1
   1  suit and mediumstrength. With no reponse from  partner,South simply rebids 
   1  suit (with only 4 
   1  suit  has an obvious 1
   1  split,declarer must lose 2 
   1  so mustlimit 
   1  so East must still have 2
   1  so     South wins the 
   1  since he has 9 points.  PLAY:West opens 
   1  showing at least    4-card 
   1  showing a good 
   1  setting up the 
   1  ruff in dummy.   But if opponents now lead       another 
   1  ride for a finesse. East also   plays low so the 
   1  return and   leads a small 
   1  responseshows at least 4-card 
   1  response     shows 6-9 points and at least 4 card trump support which South  holding a minimum opening must  pass.                           PLAY:West opens 
   1  remainswhich he draws by leading 
   1  rebid. South now makes a gametrial with a 2NT bid,since he   has a stopper in 
   1  rebid inmind. The obvious reponse for   South who has 9 points is 1
   1  rather than 1NT. Game    will not be missed if partner   has a reasonable hand,in which  case he will respond. As it     happens,North with only 3 pointsis forced to pass.(He needs at  least 6 points to respond to an opening bid of one of a suit).  PLAY:South is forced to lose the1st 3 
   1  picks up     Wests 
   1  overcall shows a good 
   1  overcall showing at  least a 5-card 
   1  out of the wayyour Q and J will be winners.   "        
   1  out as soon as possible. He wins trick 1 with 
   1  openingWests 2
   1  opening. Northalso holding 5 
   1  on which South plays 
   1  on round 2 of 
   1  on Easts 
   1  on   which South plays his last trumpBut now all the trumps are gone,it is safe for South to lead out
   1  nothing can be done.But as it is East does not have 
   1  must be"        
   1  loss to 1. As ithappens East has 
   1  losers,which he solves by a finesse: He leads 
   1  losers to one. South    wins 
   1  losers on  his winning 
   1  loser. Declarer thentakes 
   1  lead with 
   1  later.  West returns a 
   1  is successfully finessed.But South needs to finesse again,so enters dummy again via 
   1  is played from dummy. East   wins with 
   1  is played from dummy andwhen East plays low,South plays "
   1  is played from   dummy,conceding the trick to thedefenders. East wins the trick  as it happensn,so a 
   1  is now played from dummy 
   1  is now established. He cashes this,takes his last 
   1  is led.  The idea is to stop the short   hand blocking the long. Dummys  
   1  is led,hoping to develop 2
   1  is led from hand. When East  discards a 
   1  is led from dummy,South ducks and West wins 
   1  is led  towards Souths 
   1  is a master. East returns  a 
   1  is  saved for an entry to dummy     "        
   1  is   led from dummy and when East    plays 
   1  is   good. South discards 
   1  is   finessed from hand. West plays  low so the finesse has worked.  South now enters dummy via 
   1  is        finessed from dummy.Since West  hold 
   1  in dummy.Next   
   1  in dummy. This time East takes  
   1  in case East has 
   1  in   dummy to finesse a trump into   his hand.When East plays 
   1  honour. Which?     Actually he can play for both.  He can try the high 
   1  holds. Dummy leads a 
   1  holds so   South coninues 
   1  holds so 
   1  high whereas if the   trick was won with 
   1  has gone      Souths last 
   1  from his hand and finesses dummys 
   1  from hand. This timethe finesse works so South      cashes his 2 aces to make the   contract.                       " 
   1  from hand.  Now we can see why declarer led 
   1  from hand which is  allowed to run. He continues 
   1  from hand when East plays low. This is a double   "        
   1  from hand to finesse  
   1  from dummy. If he tried the 
   1  from dummy,and     discards a 
   1  from dummy which will  win if West has led from 
   1  from dummy at     trick 1. A good defender never  as a rule,leads from an ace in  suit contracts. Thus declarer   credits East with 
   1  from dummy and finesses the 
   1  from dummy and finesses 
   1  from dummy and  finesses 
   1  from dummmy but   East has 
   1  forces out 
   1  fit can afford to raise  to 4
   1  fit can add on 2 extra points to the value of  his hand as he has a singleton. Thus his new point count is 13, which is enough for him to jump to game in 
   1  first,then gives up a 
   1  finesses 
   1  finessed.South can then draw the last trump with 
   1  finessecould cost the contract if West holds 
   1  finesseat this stage would only put thecontract at risk.                                               "
   1  finesse. This time    East plays 
   1  finesse. So  a low 
   1  finesse. He     leads 
   1  finesse. Dummy    takes trick 1 with 
   1  finesse.      "        
   1  finesse,but thisonly gives him a 50-50 chance   when he can set up an extra 
   1  finesse can wait. South leads a 
   1  falls,and dummys last 
   1  discard. Next     declarer gives up a trump trick to 
   1  declarer goes  about drawing trumps. 
   1  declarer cashes 
   1  cannot be led through dummys 
   1  canbe with anything from 6-15 and  at least 4 
   1  bidshows 6-9 points and at least 4 card 
   1  bid.  North bids 1NT showing 6-9      points and a fairly balanced    hand. South totting up points inboth hands knows that they have at least 26 points,enough for   game in 
   1  bid   shows at least 8 points and mostlikely a long 
   1  because West would cashhis winning 
   1  at trick 5 then   cashes his 2 
   1  at trick 2,  South wins in his hand. He must save his high trumps in dummy toprotect himself against over-   ruffs. At trick 3,South leads a small 
   1  at trick 1 since West may have led from 
   1  at once.The next step is to draw trumps.                              "
   1  as an entry. Had he played 
   1  andtrump in dummy.   East now takeshis 
   1  and will take care of 
   1  and trumps with dummys  "        
   1  and thus"
   1  and then draws 2 rounds of   trumps with A and K after which East still has the Q which Southneed not draw,since it will win anytime.  Souths only problem isto reduce his 
   1  and then cashes his 
   1  and then 
   1  and the opponents then   cash a 
   1  and so East would have to play  
   1  and ruffing   the other in dummy. He must try a finesse to reduce trump loss. So on trick 1 drops 
   1  and ruff his last 
   1  and once the 
   1  and once again leadsa 
   1  and now  East plays 
   1  and must play 
   1  and makes the planned 
   1  and lets it ride,East  and West both play low,so he    plays a 
   1  and leadsa 
   1  and leads back 
   1  and leads another 
   1  and leads a low 
   1  and leads 
   1  and is then ableto win 2 more tricks with low 
   1  and if he gives up the    lead opponents will immediately cash their 
   1  and hopefully only1
   1  and his 2 remaining aces and concedes the last 2 tricks.                  South makes 2 overtricks scoring100 points below and 60 points  above the line.                                                                                                                                                                                 "
   1  and gives up trick 13 to makehis contract and 1 overtrick.   " 
   1  and finesses dummys 
   1  and finesses D9,  knowing West has the 
   1  and enables West to win 2 
   1  and dummy wins  
   1  and dummy  wins with 
   1  and draws the rest of the     trumps. One trump  is left to   take care of Souths last 
   1  and draws 3 rounds of   trumps to exhaust the defenders trumps. He then begins 
   1  and declarer plays low from dummy letting 
   1  and concedesa 
   1  and cashes the good 
   1  and cashes his last  trump to make the contract with 1 overtrick.                    " 
   1  and another trump,robbing    South of his 
   1  and a low "        
   1  and West discardsa 
   1  and West    shows out.South can now take allhis 
   1  and West     plays low,so the finesse works. Declarer now leads a 
   1  and South wins with
   1  and South getsback to his hand by leading a 
   1  and South    wins the 
   1  and South    plans the play.                 In this hand South makes use of the crossruff ie he ruffs one   suit in dummy with a different  "
   1  and South    plans the play and counts his   winners:2
   1  and South    pauses to plan the play and     begins by counting his losers:ifhe is unlucky he may lose 1
   1  and South    counts his winners: This time   most tricks will come from the  long 
   1  and South    counts his winners(whereas in   suit contracts he counted his   losers). He can bank on winning 
   1  and South    counts his losers:maybe 1
   1  and South    counts his losers: 1 definite   loser in 
   1  and North   knowing they have a reasonable  fit and enough points bids 4
   1  and K are out of the way he  will have no entries left to    dummy to cash the last 
   1  and East trumps dummys 
   1  and  returns a 
   1  and  maybe 2
   1  and  enters dummy via 
   1  and  draws 3 rounds of trumps,leaving1 trump in dummy to ruff a 
   1  and   when East plays low the 
   1  and   setting up dummys last 
   1  and    South plays 
   1  VulnerableC
   1  South with 13-15 HCP jumps to   game in 3NT.                    PLAY:West leads 
   1  South takes the 3 last tricks tomake his contract+1 overtrick.  " 
   1  South can rebid 3NT showing 19-20 HCP and a balancedhand. North passes.             PLAY:West opens 
   1  South can now lead out 
   1  1983 M.Blythe
   1   tricks. However the rest are    Souths so the contract is made. "
   1   tricks and may lose 1
   1   suit. North responds 2NT which  shows 11-12 points and a fairly balanced hand. South,adding     points onto his hand     knows  that they have enough points forgame,so jumps straight to game  in 4
   1   opening and North responds 2
   1   is out of the way 5
   1   from hand. The finesse will workif East has 
   1   from dummy. This gives him a    free finesse. If East plays 
   1   from dummy,letting it ride for afinesse,but West wins with 
   1   from dummy and finesses the 
   1   for the contract.Had he finessedand failed,he could not cash 
   1   and starts on 
   1   and limit his 
   1   South plays low,establishing his"        
   1    with no risk. So at trick 5 he  cashes 
   1    with 4 card support and 8 points(counting 1 point for doubleton 
   1    tricks. East plays low but West has 
   1    to repeat the finesse. So at    trick 4 he leads another 
   1    to lead 
   1    suit,discarding losers from handSouth must now rely on a 
   1    outstanding which he draws by   leading out the 
   1    and simply refused to cash it onthe 1st round of 
   1    and lets it ride for a finesse. Both opponents play low so the  finesse appears to have worked. South leads 
   1     would not be a master.  South   now cashes the rest of his      winners to make 11 tricks in all" 
   1     which South wins with 
   1     suit and a better than minimum  responding hand. North,with onlystrength in 2 suits bids 4
   1     return and leads another trump. This time the A and K drop,and  with all enemy trumps gone,Southhas now set up his trumps ie                                    "        
   1     later on.  South begins 
   1     from dummy to his 
   1     finesse since the contract is   assured even if the finesse     fails,which it does. But South  still makes 10 tricks all told. "
   1      rather than 3NT.                PLAY:South sees that he could   lose 2
   1       finesse to make the contract.So he now leads a